thundering bass cabinet inside
inaccessible building heard from
outside, longing,
yet imagination alone does not
in celebration of unseasonably hot weather, a capture from end-of-winter peculiar ice formations during melt-flood.
"...recall Ursula Le Guin's famous short story 'The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas', about the imaginary city of Omelas, a city which also made do without kings, wars, slaves or secret police. We have a tendency, Le Guin notes, to write off such a community as 'simple', but in fact these citizens of Omelas were 'not simple folk, not dulcet shepherds, noble savages, bland utopians. They were not less complex than us. The trouble is just that we have a bad habit, encouraged by pedants and sophisticates, of considering happiness as something rather stupid.'"
hello again.
168 - entries to this log
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001 - entries deleted
108 - photos shared (1358 taken)
003 - audio shared
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065 - hidden bookmarks
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271 - days since changing the site code
000 - readership statistics collected
it's been just over a year. numbers don't capture the spirit, yet allow a different sort of processing. i was going to write an analysis, but my first reflection (since deleted) was writing is hard. (the second, what matters.)
solstice tomorrow.
it's easier to imagine the end of the world than it is to imagine ________
it's easier to imagine ________
than it is to imagine the end of the world.
“Panpsychism re-enchants the world, embeds us profoundly within the climate crisis and places us on a continuum of consciousness with all that we see around us.”
the conscious universe [web]
video [mp4] for the serpent by jay gillian.
from gnostics.
clouds descend upon old stones
meteorological [mp3]
navigating changing waters, time flows, where did november disappear to?
last month i transformed myself into a turkey tail mushroom.
welcoming the approaching darkness
current research:
senescence [mp3]
wind carried
in july we visited the sea.
when is next time.
these grey oyster mushrooms emerged on the exact same day last year.
mycelial consciousness, revolution of celestial spheres.
"I ascribe space a certain significance with regard to death. It’s as if I’ve buried loved ones there. I can’t touch these stars but can they now? And somehow I understand that everyone is always ever together, because I don’t feel the distance that their deaths would imply. They are in me, and we are all ever in space. I am not the only person to experience the night sky in this way. We’ve all looked up and felt that sense of awe."
ecstatic to be the caretaker of one of these drawings, which i responded to viscerally on first sight. reading the later-released text illuminates an uncanny resonance, a previously hidden message landing perfectly.
soundtrack: roberto donnini, tunedless (1980) [youtube]
mold of unchecked humidity
clicking hard drive
forlorn jumper
music stored in an archaic file format
unattended barn blanket as nest material
alienated computer with outdated security libs
water damaged paper smell
obsoleted nonexistent power supply
eaten by mushrooms
sympoiesis - collectively-producing systems that do not have self-defined spatial or temporal boundaries. information and control are distributed among components. the systems are evolutionary and have the potential or surprising change.
autopoietic - self-producing autonomous units with self defined spatial or temporal boundaries that tend to be centrally controlled, homeostatic, and predictable.
(adapted from m. beth dempster's thesis on environmental studies (1998) via haraway)
"In the 1970’s and into the ’80s, he worked full time as environmental activist. But the time came when he felt compelled to dedicate himself entirely to music. He made this choice with the belief that, ultimately, music can do more than politics to change the world."
grey sky, diffused light, hidden sun, time unknowable
please stay
maybe it would be easier if we knew which gods to be upset with
the heron
and the deer
we all walk the same path
listen to
joy division
intently and
cease to
yesterday in the orchard
i was greeted by a snake
who stood up in the grass
so that we might see
one another
more clearly
while their toad friend