photo of screen showing

izzzzi is an experiment which might be called "slow social media" where we are exploring a multitude of constraints imposed on the standard mechanism of people making posts:

  1. posts are collected into a digest once a day.
  2. posts from yesterday are deleted, forever, every day.
  3. posts are a draft and can be edited until the moment that yesterday is deleted and tomorrow becomes today.
  4. posts are only visible between people who "add" one another ("mutual follows").

it's become a sort of collaborative daily newspaper written by friends. on the surface the parameters feel antithetical: it's ephemeral, it only changes daily, hardly anyone sees it. this is precisely what makes it interesting.

we recently decided make it public, so friends didn't need to go through elaborate invitation rituals. keep in mind there is no discovery mechanism: you have to communicate with people elsewhere to make connections.

maybe there are different ways.

.        .

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